"Then Jesus said to His disciples, 'If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?" Matthew 16:24-26I've often looked at this verse through very high and holy eyes. "Oh I most certainly would give up the whole world in order to take up my cross and follow Jesus. It will be difficult but I'm willing to go where you will have me to go." But I want to flip this around a little. What would it look like for you to gain the whole world? What would that mean to you?
I think for me it would mean complete and total freedom and power. If I gained the whole world I would have access to the endless accumulation of knowledge. I honestly would want to be the smartest person alive. And not only this but I would want to have the kind of freedom to act like a child, playing childish games, taking in childish pleasures, and just doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I would do everything within my power to return to a simple state of mind, where there are no consequences for my actions. If I could gain the whole world, I would live out a kind of carefree existentialism where nothing and nobody could stop me, because I would be completely unconcerned with others.
What would it mean for you to gain the whole world? I'm sure your vision is different from mine. It's kind of fun and exciting to consider all the possibilities, to be the richest, to be the smartest, to be the sex god, to be the most powerful person, or whatever your concept of gaining the whole world might be. But what would it cost to actually get there? What would it take to achieve your vision of gaining the whole world? Interesting, because it actually may not be that hard for most of us to at least gain a piece of our vision, our dreams.
This is what scares me. What benefit comes from pursuing your vision of gaining the whole world? Some pious and upright people might say, "NONE!" I would disagree. I think I might quite enjoy my life as a slacker with all the potential in the world skating through life without a concern for how I abuse and use others with my superior knowledge. The question may not be benefit but rather gain. What do I GAIN by chasing down the whole world? In the end, the answer to that question is absolutely nothing. We maintain status quo, we keep what we have. We try not to gain anything, so that we don't have to lose anything. We live, we die, eat drink and be merry.
But what if we headed in the opposite direction? What if we decided to give up our pursuits of gaining the whole world? What would that cost us? What would you lose? Here's something we don't talk about much. Most of us, even many of Jesus' believers, live under the pretense of chasing after our vision of gaining the whole world. We put pretty labels on it, like careers, families, security, investment, or sometimes even ministry. But we're really pursuing our agenda for world domination. And yet we feel like we've gotten nowhere, that we've gained next to nothing. Why? Because we haven't embarked on the one journey that really matters, to lose everything.
What a paradox it is to follow Jesus. In order to gain anything, we must lose everything. In order to live in Christ, we must first die in Him. In order to save my life, I have to first lose it. Which direction are you headed in? At the end of your life, (which by the way could be sooner than you think), will you have spent your time trying to live it up, pursuing what you want or will you have lost yourself in Jesus in order to find the kind of true life that only He can give?