The apostles were faced with a serious dilemma in Acts 6. There was a problem with the distribution of food to the hellenist christian widows. Because the church had been growing so rapidly in those days, the issue I'm sure was rather large and needed immediate attention. So it was brought before the leadership, specifically the Apostles. What a test this is! Serving and distributing food to widows is a critical aspect of the ministry of the church. At the same time, for the disciples to undertake this task would mean that they would have to cut back on their ministries of prayer and the word. What would they decide?
I could ask here what would you choose to do. But I am not going to ask that question. Instead, what have you done in the past? You see I believe that we often choose to do the things that we feel need to get done, even if someone else should be doing those things. The Apostles could have chosen to serve food to the widows and we would have applauded them for this. But instead they made the harder decision that most of refuse to make.
They put it back on the church. They said find 7 men that could do this task, because we have been commissioned to ministries of the word and prayer. Notice that they acknowledge the significance of this ministry, but that they understand that the rest of the body has responsibility here. I wonder what the people thought? I know the pressure in most churches. "Oh well, they don't have a servants heart, putting it back on the church." "That's just lazy." "How much time do they really need to pray and preach? I mean isn't being a christian about helping people?"
But I know for a fact, from experience, that the pressure of others is nothing like the pressure I put on myself. "What will people think if I don't do this?" I have tried in the past to measure up to "their" expectations many times in ministry, uncertain of who they really are. "They" always seem to show up in leadership meetings, nameless and faceless, but having lots of pull. Thank God that the Apostles were not this insecure.
The appointment of these 7 proved to be the right decision. But it wasn't the right decision just because the church grew and Stephen and Philip turned out to be powerful witnesses to the Gospel. It was the right decision because the Apostles stayed focused on their role in the body. They would not be distracted by good things, they were focused on the right things.
So where are you in your ministry priority? What's the one thing God is tugging at you to do it? Why aren't you doing it? Let me suggest some ideas for finding out your ministry priority:
- Pray that God would show you how He wants to use you in the body.
- Get a copy of The 3 Colors of Ministry and begin discovering your Spiritual Gifts.
- Write down on paper what are the things that God has specifically designed you to do.
- In one sentence, what is the one ministry that you should be doing within the kingdom?
- Stay focused on the ministry He is giving you to do.