But if I say, “I will not remember Him or speak anymore in His name,” then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire shut up in my bones; and I am weary of holding it in, and I cannot endure it. (Jeremiah 20:9)

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Dead Flies Of Preaching

"Dead flies make a perfumer's oil stink, so a little foolishness is weightier than wisdom and honor." (Ecclesiastes 10:1)
I am coming to believe more and more that the basis for true spiritual authority in preaching is the spiritual formation in the life of the preacher. Spiritual formation has been described in many ways. Some say that there needs to be evidence that these men "have been with Jesus." Others might say that they have devoted themselves to the spiritual disciplines. Some might call it ministry "experience." I think Solomon would have us to see that spiritual formation is the abscence of dead flies.

Jesus and Paul figuratively call it leaven. Solomon calls it dead flies and folly. The Bible expresses this great obstacle to spiritual growth with many words and images. But they are all pointing us to the same stinking heap of garbage known as sin. It is the "fly in the ointment", the leaven in the dough. And the more that sin is mingled into the life of the preacher, the further he gets from true spiritual authority, which only comes from Jesus and who entrusts it only to those who have been with him. So how do we become a perfumers oil that does not smell like dead flies?

We must first realize that nothing we do will get the sin out of our life. The more we try to fight that battle, the more flies get in the ointment. Surrendering myself to Jesus and to His atoning death will be the only way that the decisive battle over sin will be won in my own heart. Does that feel strangely elementary to the doctrines of christianity? Of course it is, but what else is there! This is THE greatest truth that man has ever known. That God Himself might give Himself to us so that we can behold His glory, power, and authority. Why would I want anything else? No matter how elementary we perceive this truth to be, it is also the most forgotten truth. We tend to think things like...
"Now that I am in the ministry, I should be able to fight these sin battles on my own. I will hide my struggles. God and I will both fight the battle of pornography (or gossip, or homosexuality, or drug abuse, or pride, or hatred, or any dark thing that we hide away in our corners.) We'll beat this thing together."
What lies Satan uses! You can not beat the sin in you. Jesus' death alone defeats that sin. How arrogant I have been in thinking that I can defeat Satan and sin all on my own. Jesus is our dread champion, our Christus Victor. He is truth and life and we defeat sin in no other way but through Him.

I hear your slight objection. Certainly we must do something. I would say not SOME thing but ONE thing. Pursue wisdom and honor. Or more plainly, pursue Jesus. Do not spend one second of your day not captivated by Him. Run to Him with full force. Wake up praying, drive listening to His words, sing about Him, talk about Him, look for opportunities to be an extension of Him, but just cling to Him. Flies get into the ointment because we leave it exposed to the outside conditions. If we flee every form of immorality and close ourselves off to only be exposed to Jesus, sin has no opportunity to lay ahold of us. Do not give sin the opportunity. Spiritual formation is simply this, to have been with Jesus and no one else. That was always Jesus' call to discipleship. If a preacher lacks true spiritual authority, you can almost certainly be guaranteed that he has been with something or someone besides Jesus. Let Jesus pick out the flies, then close the lid and be with Him for the rest of eternity.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Wake Thy Slumbering Children

"Go to the ant, O sluggard, Observe her ways and be wise,
Which, having no chief, Officer or ruler, Prepares her food in the summer
And gathers her provision in the harvest.

How long will you lie down, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep?
“A little sleep, a little slumber, A little folding of the hands to rest”—
Your poverty will come in like a vagabond
And your need like an armed man."
(Proverbs 6:6-11)
How often has this been used as a banner to wave about the need for God's people to be hard workers? I don't disagree that we should be hard workers, but let us consider for a moment the spiritual depths of this proverb. It has huge implications for our churches and for the work of preaching.

Indelible Grace music released a CD entitled, "Wake Thy Slumbering Children." Besides this being a great collection of puritan hymns with a modern twist, there is obviously a message embedded within the album. And verses 9-10 of Proverbs 6 captures that meaning. When God's people fall asleep, they must be awakened.

We run to I Thessalonians 4 and are comforted by the fact that those who have died believing in Jesus Christ are only "asleep" until His return. And what comfort this does bring us. It is because of this truth that I no longer mourn the sleeping of my grandparents. But there is a kind of sleep in scripture that brings us no comfort whatsoever. It is a spiritual sleep. It is the kind of sleep that causes indifference, inactivity, and ignorance. This spiritual sleep has fallen upon our churches in America like a great plague. We are the slumbering children.

Sometimes sleep comes because we are too comfortable. Sometimes it is because we have been overfed, like at Thanksgiving. Sometimes sleep is a result of being lazy. Sometimes sleep comes upon us because we are not alert. But I Thessalonians 5:6 declares, "so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober." Alert means to keep watch and sober means to be self-controlled. The disciples could not keep watch with Jesus for even one hour. In this last hour, before Jesus returns, can we keep watch? Or will we be lulled to sleep by work, family, recreation, comfort, America, or any other thing? The role of the preacher is to shout from the rooftops, "WAKE UP SLUMBERING CHILDREN!!!" We are a city on a hill, the light of the world. If the light house workers fall asleep, what happens to the ships? If the watchmen in the city sleep at their posts, what becomes of the city? I will pray to God, along with the men and women of indelible grace music, that He will wake His slumbering children. And in the mean time, may I never rest until that final year of Jubilee when Christ returns.