Once a month I take a day to get away, pray, read, study, and just enjoy some time with God. This past Tuesday I walked down to the Mount Dora Mountain Bike Trail and decided to walk it. It was a beautiful day and allowed me to free my mind from all the noise up there. The Spirit told me to just simplify and listen. I was able to enjoy the trees, birds, the water still in the trees, and all of God's creation. But as I walked the trail, the Spirit began to share something else with me. So I thought I'd share it here with others.
After a slight distracting phone call, this thought overwhelmed me. Walking that trail is just like the walk of a disciple. In Matthew 7:13-14 Jesus says, "Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." It is not the straight and narrow, it is the hard and narrow.
You see a path has some very distinguishing features. First of all, a path is a distinct way cut through the woods, the desert, mountains, etc. However, most paths do not feature "guard rails" to keep you on it. There are definite boundaries that mark the path, but nothing to stop you from wandering off if you so wish. However, to get where you are going, you need to stay on the path. The way to follow Jesus is hard. It bids a man to come and die to himself and follow Jesus forever. Along the way, there will be many distractions in relationships, money, cares of this world, anxiety, and so on. We will grow weary and tired. We will stop for a rest. We will stop to pray. Sometimes we will look back and wonder if you should go back the way we came. But the path calls us to keep walking so that we can get to where we were going. And for us, this is to the Father.
At some points, the boundaries of the path are very unclear. You can vaguely make out where you are supposed to go, but it seems that the difference between the path and not being on the path are not easy to figure out. The longer you have been on the path, the easier it is to notice the distinguishing marks of the path. What would be really helpful would be to have a guide, walking you down the path. Someone that made the path, that knew more intricately than you ever could. Jesus gave His followers His Spirit to guide them on His path. In John 14:26 Jesus says, "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you." The Spirit is given to us to walk us down the path, teaching us the boundaries and showing us the way. He is guiding home to the Father.
Sometimes the path gets dark, making it nearly impossible to see. It is always nice to have a light with you in those moments. It is no accident that the Psalmist writes in Psalm 119:105, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." God's word lights up the path for us. The word will not walk the path for us, but will show us where we are walking and the help us see what lies ahead of us and behind us. It illuminates the boundaries and helps us to discern our surroundings. It keeps darkness off of the path.
The path of discipleship is hard. Along the way are many distractions that Satan uses to distract us. But remember, Satan can not push or pull us off the path. The lusts of our hearts may cause us to go after the distractions, but as long as we are on the path we are walking in the peace of God. So maybe today you need to raise up your head and let God's word illuminate your way. Maybe you need to get back on the path of the Gospel. Maybe you need to listen to the Spirit guiding you along. Hopefully you can walk the path the way I ended my time. Joyfully singing praises to God, clearly seeing where to go, and content to be right where you are.
Father’s Day
Father’s Day is a difficult day. Typically, Dad’s have all the tools they
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8 years ago
God has given you a talent in writing. I see books in your future path.
ReplyDeleteThat's good stuff! I like the guard rail illustration, that it is up to us and God isn't going to FORCE us to stay on the path!
ReplyDeleteThanks guys. Glad what God revealed to me could be helpful.