A Song of Ascents. Of David.
I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” Our feet have been standing within your gates, O Jerusalem! Jerusalem—built as a city that is bound firmly together, to which the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord, as was decreed for Israel, to give thanks to the name of the Lord. There thrones for judgment were set, the thrones of the house of David.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! “May they be secure who love you! Peace be within your walls and security within your towers!” For my brothers and companions’ sake I will say, “Peace be within you!” For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your good.David had such a longing to go to the house of the Lord. He loved the city, the brothers and companions there, and he longed for the peace of the city. David's heart is not to be lost. It carries into the life of a Christian. But Psalm 122 is no longer about the city of Jerusalem. It is about the church!
In Hebrews 8-10, the author goes to great length to explain that the tabernacle, sacrifices, and law are all only a shadow of heavenly realities. They were given to show us how dim everything is in comparison to the magnificent glory of God. That glory was fully displayed in Jesus Christ. What He came to do was to shine light on the shadows so that we could see clearly. And that is why we see Psalm 122 in light of Hebrews 8-10, the church IS that city bound firmly together, the church IS the house of the Lord (I Corinthians 3:9-17, Ephesians 2:11-22, I Timothy 3:14-15).
So let us walk back through Psalm 122 through the lens of a church reconciled to God through the redemptive work of Jesus.
1)"I was glad..." - Someone who has been bought by the blood of Jesus has been born into a new family. The church is that family. The Scriptures really do not entertain the idea of a lone ranger Christian. Our heart is that we are glad to "go to the house of the Lord!" And by house of the Lord we do not mean the church building. We mean that we are glad to be gathered with our church family whether it be in corporate worship, dinner, serving our neighborhood, rejoicing over the birth of a child, or mourning the loss of a loved one. A follower of Jesus is GLAD to be with the people of Jesus. You will not know this gladness unless you've lived among the people, unless your feet have stood in the gates. So taste and see that the Lord is good. Enjoy the company of the house of the Lord.
2)"A city that is bound firmly together" - The church is united in the bond of peace through the power of the Holy Spirit. You know that you have found a true church family when nothing can shake them. It was recently shared with me that about 50% of the churches in New Orleans ceased to exist after Hurricane Katrina. Why? Because the storm washed away their buildings. But those that continued to exist had a bond stronger than brick and mortar. They were firmly bound together by brotherly love and service. Our churches are only as strong as our dependence on the unifying work of the Holy Spirit. If we have to manufacture community, then whatever we are being, we are not being the church.
3)"The tribes go up... to give thanks to the name of the Lord." - The church is a people made up of those giving thanks to the name of the Lord. Thanks for what? Not only thanks for His numerous gifts in our lives, but one particularly unifying cry of praise. We thank Him for His unparalleled gift of salvation! This is why there is no one like our God. What sets our Lord apart is that Jesus came to die for us, defeated sin, death, and Satan, and is reigning in His church even now. We give thanks for this! A church must be characterized by their praise of the glorious name of Jesus.
4)"Pray for the peace..." - there are 3 areas that David prayed for peace and the church should follow suit.
- Bring security to those who love the church! The Lord has given us much strength within the church, providing living stones (Christians) who stand firm for the sake of the Gospel. Pray that their steadfastness will not waiver. Pray that more believers will be secure stones in the wall and not be tossed to and fro by the cares of life.
- Peace among brothers and companions. Pray for the unity of the church! The glory of God will be displayed among the church if we are unified in Him. If we have no love for one another, then the love of God is not in us at all and we are liars. Pray for the kind of love that would cause God to die for His creation.
- Pray for the good of the church. When was the last time you prayed that the church would be successful in God's mission to the world? Pray that God would give the church favor in the workplace, marketplace, schools, and neighborhoods. Pray that the church would be given opportunities to bless the city she lives in. Pray for the GOOD of the church!
The Lord's house is His people. The church is the Temple of the Living God, Jesus. Do not look to this mountain or that mountain to find worship, worship the Lord in the midst of His people! You will find many glorious, messy, truths about God among His church. I hope that you will come and find Him among us.
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